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- Pro Power Tips 1.0A (c) 1992 Scanlon Enterprises
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- This section contains software descriptions which the Author has
- thought the reader may wish to order. This section also contains
- complete descriptions and pricing for software written by this
- Author.
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- SEBFU (Scanlon Enterprises Batch File Utilities), a collection
- of over 100 powerful Batch file enhancement utilities and many
- great DOS utilities. These utilities allow the user to
- completely control the display, to set screen color, position
- the cursor and in obtaining powerful looking windowed screens.
- In addition, SEBFU interfaces with a batch file, allowing the
- batch file to respond to keyboard input, check disk drive
- status, check printer status, send special printer codes to a
- printer, check for system device drivers, check disk space and
- file size, check memory size and bytes available, and much more.
- With SEBFU, you can create very powerful MENU's and control
- format operations, even do multi-disk formats, using the DOS
- FORMAT program! If you write batch files, you need this.
- SEBFU is priced at $19.95
- SYSTEM CHECK ! This is a collection of utilities, to aid in
- responding to a software developers request for your system
- information, in response to a problem you have reported. This
- package comes with 4 utilities to get various system
- information, such as device drivers (actually loaded), TSR's
- which are loaded, how YOUR interrupts are being used and how
- your low memory area is being used by DOS and the BIOS. Coupled
- with copies of your CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT files, the
- support department of your product will more easily be able to
- determine your problem and suggest how to get going again.
- SYSTEM CHECK is priced at $10
- POPDIAL is a pop-up phone dialer (TSR), which will dial a phone
- number, currently displayed on your video system, or alternately
- from a number you enter. POPDIAL uses your built in or external
- modem to issue dial strings. PopDial lets you position the
- cursor anywhere on screen, and you can determine the entire dial
- string, including any phone number prefixes, such as dial pause
- and area code to allow virtually any dial combination, such as
- waiting for a second dial tone and calling voice mail and
- pagers. If you use your phone a lot, you need POPDIAL.
- POPDIAL is priced at $10
- SEBFI (Scanlon Enterprises Batch File Interpreter). If you want
- the speed of an application, but the flexibility of a batch
- file, then SEBFI is for you. You build batch files, like you
- would normally, but, using an additional 20 built in functions
- (all DOS batch commands are also available). SEBFI runs your
- new batch file, directly out of RAM, this gives your batch file
- an added 10 to 1 increase in speed. If you need FAST batch files
- batch files, then you NEED SEBFI.
- SEBFI is priced at $14.95
- Software Installation in under 10K ! Tight Machine Code System.
- Shareware Installation System Lite, dubbed SIS LITE, offers you
- a platform to create PROFESSIONAL software installation systems.
- These installations systems are used by Shareware Authors,
- Commercial Developers, Disk Vendors and those who need to supply
- software, on disk to remote sites.
- SIS LITE uses a small command set, to produce a programmable
- environment, which is as easy to use, as writing a batch file.
- SIS LITE produces a small distribution installation system,
- which may be under 7K bytes in size. That's TINY ! This is
- accomplished via 25 internal commands, which the developer uses,
- to customize the program with.
- ~ Professional looking screens
- Your final installation system can have colorful text,
- with shadowed windows.
- ~ TINY distribution size, typically under 7K bytes
- ~ Easy to use miniature programming language
- (if you can write a batch file, you can use this)
- ~ Auto checks disk space, for your defined minimum requirement
- ~ Auto checks target path (does the target already exist,
- upgrade)
- ~ Auto detects source drive
- ~ Copies file to selected target (built in function)
- ~ User override of target drive and path
- ~ Can execute any external COM or EXE program
- (use to execute self extracting programs, or to run a VIEW
- program to display a README file, or anything else)
- ~ There can be as many layered subdirectory's as needed
- ~ There can be multiple installation disks
- ~ SIS LITE is ROYALTY FREE, for unlimited usage
- ~ FINALLY, SIS LITE has a low price - $39.95
- FileLister I, in under 4.5K ! Tight Machine Code System.
- FileLister I, dubbed FLST, offers you a platform to view and
- print virtually and ASCII document. File viewing systems are
- generally large, full featured systems, but, are nearly
- impossible to distribute with shareware disks. FileLister I,
- with it's small size (under 4.5K) will be the NEW file viewer of
- choice!
- FileLister I, has all the standard file navigation tools, such
- as page up and down, line up and down, Left and right document
- shifting to view wide pages, go to top and bottom of a file and
- more. In addition, FileLister I, has features found only in
- better file viewing utilities, which usually require much more
- disk space. FileLister I, can view very large documents, to 4
- gigabytes! FileLister I, can print all or part of a file.
- FileLister I, can send printer controls to and of 4 printers
- (must be BIOS supported), which can set the printer margins,
- type style, and more. FileLister I, adapts to virtually any
- video system.
- FileLister I, needs only 64K of ram to run in, and still display
- text very quickly, even when moving from top to bottom of a
- file! This means, FileLister can be SHELLED to from programs,
- such as communications programs, and used to view a file
- quickly. FileLister also allows the user to select another file
- to view, without exiting to a DOS prompt. When thru viewing,
- simply press the ESCAPE key, and you're back at a DOS prompt or
- the program which started FileLister I.
- ~ White on Blue Screens for file viewing
- (Registered Version comes with color changing utility.)
- ~ TINY distribution size, under 4.5K bytes
- ~ Easy to use File Navigation controls
- ~ Print all or part of a file
- ~ Send print control strings
- ~ Selectable printer port
- ~ Multiple file views without DOS exit
- ~ Full Documentation
- FileLister is available for only $10
- All Scanlon Enterprises Software Trial Versions, are available
- for $1.99 each plus shipping. California Residents add tax.
- Shipping is $3 per order (you can order more than one product
- per order for this same shipping charge).
- To order any of the above, fully registered versions or demo
- versions, send appropriate amount including shipping and any
- tax, to Scanlon Enterprises, 38354 17th St. E., Palmdale, CA
- 93550
- Alternately, print the REGALL.DOC file for a generic order form
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- The following is a short listing of software we thought readers
- of Pro Power Tips may be interested in. When you register Pro
- Power Tips, you can ask for a FREE copy of our full catalog on
- disk (normally a $3 value, plus shipping).
- Catalog # : SE510001
- Title : 4PRINT & CLASER
- Print 4 pages on 1 page, and printer setup utility. 4PRINT 3.10
- prints 4 pages on 1 page in landscape mode, has support for wide
- documents, spreadsheets, proportional fonts, multiple copies and
- more, plus has the font for use with laser printers without the
- landscape font. CLASER 2.3 is a TSR (pop-up) Laserjet setup
- utility with control for graphic screen dumps; character pitch,
- style, orientation, and more. Also supports true Epson emulation
- for cases where the software (application) does not support the
- Laserjet.
- Catalog # : SE510224
- Title : PRINT UTILS - 7
- Set up programs for Epson or IBM printers. 2 printer set up
- programs, one for Epsons and compatibles and the other for IBM
- Pro printer and compatibles. Both are easy to use menu driven
- programs.
- Catalog # : SE510294
- Provides most functions of NORTON UTILS. Actual name of utils is
- DISK COMMANDO UTILITIES. These utilities provide functions for;
- editing directory information; map of disk usage; unfragment
- disk (optimize); sort directory entries; look for bad sectors
- and tracks; find files anywhere on drive; unformat accidental
- format; sector editing; change directories via tree; time
- process time of functions; undelete deleted files; view text
- files (like LIST); change volume label name; fill an entire disk
- with a specified char (security protection); fill an entire file
- with a specified char.
- Catalog # : SE510317
- Title : PRINT UTILS - 2
- LQPRINT allows older Epson printers to print in letter quality
- mode; BANNERIFIC V 1.0 creates your custom banners for parties
- and announcements and other events. ; SIDEWAYS allows you to
- print your text file sideways. Esc sends a hex 27 to the
- standard output followed by the specified characters. ESC.DOC
- contains a summary of some of the standard control codes of ANSI
- standard X3.64. Because the Esc DOCS file, ESC.DOC, contains
- many special characters, most printers will have problems
- printing this file. It is recommended that ESC.DOC be "type"ed
- and read from the display.
- Catalog # : SE510335
- Title : 100 LETTERS
- 100 letters for business and personal use for use with any WP.
- Some of the letters are ; Delinquent account, Acknowledge
- orders, acknowledge credit requests, decline invitations, notice
- to quit job due to illness, billing errors, refund letters and
- many more.
- Catalog # : SE510455
- Easy way to back up system, DOS compatible files. Point & Shoot
- Backup/Restore is a hard disk backup and restoration program
- designed for IBM & compatibles. This is designed to work with
- the P&S Hard Disk Manager, but will function just fine as a
- stand alone program. The user may select drive, drive type,
- path (up to 10 of them) and if modified only or all files will
- be backed up. One of the nice things about this system, is it's
- placing the back up files on a disk in a standard DOS format,
- readable by DOS. The only drawbacks to this program, is that
- multiple drives can not be accessed from the same program entry,
- and that the back up is a little slow.
- Catalog # : SE510481
- Title : FREEWORD
- Full featured wordprocessor. FreeWord is a powerful, full
- featured and easy to use, menu-driven WP, is capable of right
- and left justification ; moving the cursor by character, word,
- line, screen or page; searching a DOC for a word or phrase and
- moving and copying blocks of text. FreeWord permits printing in
- the background so that the user can proceed with other work. All
- registered users receive SSP's SPELL a spelling checker program.
- Catalog # : SE510506
- Title : AS-EASY-AS
- 1-2-3 Spreadsheet System Clone. Full featured spread sheet
- system. Powerful easy to use Lotus style spreadsheet. Allows up
- to 52 columns, graphing (better than Lotus), full color screens,
- all Lotus math functions (plus additional ones), plus has a
- powerful macro LANG. Will not run on Tandy 1000's. Loads 1-2-3
- spreadsheets.
- Catalog # : SE510507
- Wordprocessing, Mailmerge, spread sheet and Database, all
- integrated into one package. The "SLIC" Works is an integrated
- prg designed especially for persons that desire quick and easy
- Word Processing with Mail List Merging, Information Management
- and the ability to do Calculations and create Bar charts on a
- Electronic Spread Sheet. Data stored in the Info Filer and
- Spread Sheet may be merged with the WP to create detailed
- reports, memos and letters. The Spread Sheet is an electronic
- work sheet made up of a matrix of 6,630 cells (255 rows x 26
- columns), you may link sheets together, taking a value or
- results from other sheets and using them in a currently loaded
- sheet. In theory you could link 6,630 sheets, one for each cell
- of the current sheet. The WP is full featured with word wrap,
- mail merge, centering, and much more.
- Catalog # : SE510550
- Title : WAMPUM
- A full-featured, menu-driven implementation of the dBASE III
- programming LANG, with network support. Features include: *
- Creation and use of dBASE III-compatible data bases * Complete
- multi-user network support using any dBASE file * Creation and
- use of up to 7 B-Tree Indexes per .DBF file * 10 Data Entry
- Screen Formats * Creation and use of dBASE III-compatible
- reports & labels * Creation and use of WAMPUM "mail merge" form
- letter files * Full-featured copy utilities to import & export
- any data * Library of macros tailored to any WAMPUM application
- * Calculated fields using standard dBASE expressions * Boolean
- searches of dBASE III-compatible MEMO fields * Audit Trail /
- Transaction Logging for multi-user tasks * NetBIOS-compatible
- record & file locking network support * Global search & replace
- of data elements in 1 pass
- Catalog # : SE510845
- Mini course in PC based computers and DOS (The Disk Operating
- System). In a series of 9 sessions, DOS TUTOR directs you thru
- all aspects of computer usage (PC's and compatibles) such as
- keyboard usage, and introduces you to computer buzz words and
- terminology. DOS TUTOR then continues with sessions which cover
- DOS commands, what subdirectories are and their usage, batch
- files and their use and the AUTOEXEC batch file, programming
- basics and even a short computer history session. DOS TUTOR is
- completely user interactive and easy to use.
- Catalog # : SE510878
- Title : EGA/VGA UTILS - 1
- Over a dozen utils to set the EGA and VGA into various video
- modes. Utilities allow EGA/VGA to be set in columns of 25, 43
- and 120 and in rows of 12, 35, 43 and 50. Utilities also include
- font changing utilities, snapshot utilities, screen saver,
- palette setting, cursor restoration, ANSI replacement system,
- and much more.
- Catalog # : SE511095
- Title : WORDPERFECT MACROS 5.0 / 5.1
- Over 90 macros to enhance the use of Wordperfect 5.0 and 5.1.
- These macros are written by Gordon McComb, the author of
- 'Wordperfect 5.0 Macros and Templates', published by Bantom.
- Macros included are for creating powerful menus (including a
- menu driven contract generation system), production of easy
- memos, printing selected blocks of text, quickly format
- documents with headers, footers and various line spacing, a
- great adventure game to play, a powerful help system to explain
- each macro and much more. If you use Wordperfect, you need this.
- Catalog # : SE511096
- Over 70 macros to enhance the use of Wordperfect 4.2 . Use these
- great macros to unleash the true power, flexibility and
- usefulness of Wordperfect 4.2 . Macros included can delete, cut,
- paste, copy & move text; produce a font menu; count the words in
- a document; set margins; scroll a document; justify a document;
- column setup; perform page numbering; and much more. Comes
- complete with a powerful on-line help system which explains each
- macro and template. These can be easily converted to WordPerfect
- 5.0 and 5.1
- Catalog # : SE511098
- Well done Dbase IV tutor with 950 pages of documentation and
- many sample programs. This tutor has sections for the novice as
- well as the expert Dbase programmer. The tutor will show you how
- to design a database and explains numerous applications using
- the Dbase IV ASSIST as well as written program code. There are
- over 450K of program examples (compressed on disk).
- Catalog # : SE511099
- Title : LOTUS LEARNING SYS. 2.41/1
- Interactive tutorial teaches Lotus 123. Interactive tutorial
- teaches Lotus 123, and may even be used by the novice computer
- user. Topics covered by the Lotus Learning System are:
- spreadsheet background; applications for Lotus 123; Lotus
- command menu structure; Lotus use of the keyboard and more. The
- tutorial is run by selecting a choice of options from a menu.
- The system gives the user the look & feel of Lotus in a 'Real
- Time & Simulation' mode, which include trail balance and profit
- and loss worksheets. This is a two disk set!
- Catalog # : SE511106
- Title : DOWNLOAD
- Laserjet utility to download softfonts to a laserjet or
- compatible printer (including deskjet or compatibles). DOWNLOAD
- can select fonts as they are sent, sent groups or single fonts,
- and send the fonts via the LPT or COM ports. DOWNLOAD allows the
- user to control the font ID number, whether the font is
- temporary or permanent and whether it is a primary or secondary
- font. DOWNLOAD offers the user a choice of keeping existing soft
- fonts (in the laser jet), deleting the existing softfonts or
- even resetting the laser jet. Fonts included with this package
- include Broadway 18pt, Century Legal 10pt, Greek 10 pt, Computer
- 10pt, Flourish 12pt, Helvetica 10pt Bold, Helvetica 10pt italic,
- Helvetica 10pt medium, Helvetica 12pt Bold, Helvetica 12pt
- italic, Helvetica 12pt medium, Helvetica 18pt bold, Script 12pt,
- Symbols (Dingbats) 18pt, Roman 10pt Bold, Roman 10pt italic,
- Roman 10pt medium, Roman 12pt Bold, Roman 12pt italic, Roman
- 12pt medium, and Roman 18pt Bold.
- Catalog # : SE511107
- Title : LASERJET FONTS - 1
- Over 30 laserjet & deskjet fonts (or compatibles). Fonts
- include: GARAMOND in 10pt Bold, 10pt Reg., 10pt Italic, 12pt
- Bold, 12pt Reg., 12pt Italic, 18pt Reg, 24pt Reg and 30pt Reg.;
- CENTRUM in 8pt reg, 10pt Bold, 10pt Italic, 10pt reg, 12pt reg,
- 12pt Italic, 12pt Bold, 18pt reg & 24pt reg; OPTIMIS in 10pt
- reg, 10pt Italic, 10pt Bold, 12pt reg, 12pt Italic, 12pt Bold,
- 18pt reg & 24 pt reg, Roman in 5 12pt types. Also includes
- DOWNLOAD to download fonts to printer. This is a 2 disk set.
- Catalog # : SE511110
- Title : DESKJET FONTS - 1
- 18 Soft fonts for the Deskjet or compatible printer, includes:
- Helvetica 10 & 12 point normal, italic & bold, Old English 8 &
- 10 pt, Roman in 10 & 12 point normal, italic & bold, Script in 8
- & 10 point, Square in 10 point and Symbols in 24 point. Also are
- drivers for the 3 popular wordprocessors PC-Write, MS-Word &
- WordPerfect, plus DOWNLOAD to transmit the fonts to your
- printer.
- Catalog # : SE511112
- (2 disk set)Two fully functional postscript fonts (Heildelbe 1.0
- & Diego1 1.2) for use with Ventura Publisher, Windows or
- Pagemaker. Comes with full documentation and EPS files created
- with Corel Draw and the driver. Also included is a 7 page
- character map in a Pagemaker publication. Heildelbe is a
- calligraphic font which is suited to such use as certificates,
- awards and diplomas. Diego1 is provided complete with special
- symbols and foreign language characters. This is a 2 disk set.
- Our Catalog includes all popular shareware ! Some additional
- titles are :
- Express Check - Full featured check book system
- Pony Express - TSR postal and UPS rate system
- Billpower - Time and Billing system (2 disks)
- File Express - Flat Base Data base system (very popular)
- Draft Choice - Object oriented graphic system
- ProComm - Modem Communications System
- QModem - Modem Communications System
- PKZIP - Compression System
- ViruScan - Software Virus Detection System (very popular)
- City Desk - Desk Top Publishing
- Galaxy - Full Word Processing System
- PC-Write - Full Word Processing System (very popular)
- AutoMenu - Menu system (popular)
- Our catalog contains over 1300 hundred listings. Categories
- include :
- Graphics for various graphics programs such as Ventura, 1st
- Publisher, Harvard Graphics and others.
- Business Programs DataBase
- Amiture Radio Programming
- WordProcessing Religion
- SpreadSheets Personal Finance
- And dozens of others, including hundreds of games (in all
- categories, such as Arcade and adventure) and utilities (such as
- printer, archive, DOS, and more).
- All our shareware programs are only $1.99 each and completely
- virus FREE. To order any of the above software, simply include
- $1.99 per disk (some are 2 disk sets), along with your
- registration for this product. To make your ordering easy, we
- have included a file, which you can print, called CATORD.FRM.
- Simply print this at a DOS prompt using the following command.
- Remember to order our FREE catalog on disk, with your
- registration for this product.
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- If you have enjoyed POWER TIPS you will find the following
- tutorials also useful. All can be ordered directly from software
- author Jim Hood: Demo Versions are also available From Scanlon
- Enterprises.
- PC-LEARN is a computer training system for beginners which
- includes chapters on buying and using a computer, an
- entertaining history of computers, DOS lessons, hard disk
- drives, tech tips how to use shareware tutorial and virus
- protection. PC-Learn also includes information on word
- processing, a suggested reading list, software selection,
- computer clubs, batch files, spreadsheets, databases, and even a
- glossary ! PC-EARN features high speed color or monochrome
- menus, tutorial printing, information searching capabilities and
- more! Selected a recommended beginner's choice by 21 computer
- clubs and has been featured in two national computer magazines.
- PROFESSOR P.C. LAPTOP is a comprehensive tutorial system which
- provides laptop and notebook computer owners (or those
- interested in buying a laptop or notebook) hundreds of powerful
- tips, tricks and reference articles. Tutorials include:
- traveling with laptops and notebooks, clever equipment
- purchasing strategies, battery care and maintenance, telephone
- and manufacturer support numbers, software selection, laptop DOS
- lessons, history of computers, hard drive secrets, laptop batch
- files, laptop modem use, little-known CompuServe resources for
- laptop owners, custom reading list, computer virus protection
- methods and more. An amazing collection of laptop and notebook
- computer reference material! Contains high speed search system,
- capability to turn sound on/off, tutorial printing, help screens
- and color or monochrome light bar menus.
- The SHAREWARE USER'S TUTORIAL is a detailed presentation on how
- to use and enjoy shareware! Topics include: eight easy steps to
- using shareware FAST, determining what is on a disk, how to run
- a program, how to unpack and unarchive, commonly asked
- questions, a short DOS review course, shortcuts, using filenames
- and extensions, locating documentation on disk. Even includes a
- short pop quiz to test your "shareware survival skills!" Chapter
- titles of this excellent tutorial are as follows: What is
- shareware, public domain, freeware and commercial software?
- Eight easy steps to using shareware FAST! Minimum DOS commands
- for using shareware. Copying the master disk. The directory
- listing of a shareware disk. File names and extensions - the
- keys to the kingdom. A turbocharged shortcut! Finding, reading
- and understanding documentation within a file. Unpacking and
- installing, including ARCS, ZIPS, LZH and more! Configuring the
- program if necessary. Running the program. Feedback: either
- register or send your regrets! Common questions and answers.
- Recommended reading list for shareware users and authors.
- Ordering information: contact Jim Hood, POB 1506, Mercer Island,
- WA 98040 206/236-0470 CIS:72020,2176. Send $2.28 per disk for
- UNREGISTERED sample copies of each program or consider ordering
- registered versions which contain additional bonus tutorial
- disks. REGISTERED PC-Learn and 2 bonus disks: $25.00. REGISTERED
- Professor P.C. Laptop! and 3 bonus disks: $29.95.
- Section finished. Be sure to order your THREE BONUS DISKS which
- expand this software package with vital tools, updates and
- additional tutorial material for computer users! Send $24.95 to
- Scanlon Enterprises, Department TIP, 38354 17th St. E.,
- Palmdale, CA 93550. Bonus disks shipped promptly! Modifications,
- custom program versions, Site and LAN licenses of this package
- for business or corporate use are possible, contact the author.
- This software is shareware - an honor system which means TRY
- BEFORE YOU BUY. Press escape key to return to menu.